Specfem utilities

I develop tools to simplify and streamline the use of SPECFEM3D code. This entails building simple graphical user interface code, working with the data format and input files that SPECFEM3D expects, and a bit of automation.


Graphical user interface for area-of-interest selection in specfem_tomo_helper

specfem_tomo_helper allows to load, interpolate and format the NetCDF4 tomographic models available on IRIS EMC. As SPECFEM3D expects a text file with regularly spaced model parameters in a cartesian frame, using the regional or global NetCDF files is not straightforward.

specfem_tomo_helper allows to quickly visualize the bounds of the model, and select the appropriate footprint before taking care of the interpolation on a user-defined regular grid.


Template output for specfem_beachball.

specfem_beachball is a simple python utility that allows users to plot the moment tensor solution from the station and source text files used for a SPECFEM3D simulation. All the information required to plot the beachball and the station locations, are extracted from SPECFEM3D text files, and plotted with pygmt.